

LED va dastani mos keladigan Woodpecker Scaler dental N2 ultrasonik skaler bilan stomatologik raqobatbardosh narx

qisqa Tasvir:

Mahsulot detallari

Mahsulot teglari

Tez tafsilotlar
Kelib chiqqan joyi:
Xitoy, Xitoy
Model raqami:
N2000/N2000L, N3000/N3000L
Quvvat manbai:
1 yil
Sotishdan keyingi xizmat:
Onlayn texnik yordam
metall, plastmassa, Chelik, metall, plastmassa
Saqlash muddati:
1 yil
Sifat sertifikati:
Asboblar tasnifi:
II sinf
Xavfsizlik standarti:
EN 149 -2001+A1-2009
Mahsulot nomi:
tish ultratovush skaler
Asosiy birlik kiritish:
24VAC 50Hz
Asosiy birlik og'irligi:
0,45 kg
Suv bosimi ::
0.1bar-5bar (0.01MPa-O. 5MPa)
G1x2, G2, G4, P1
28 kHz ± 3 kHz
Qadoqlash materiallari:

LED va dastani mos keladigan Woodpecker Scaler dental N2 ultrasonik skaler bilan stomatologik raqobatbardosh narx



1. Ajraladigan qo'l qismi

2. Avtoklavlangan under ning yuqori harorati 134 ° S va ning bosimi 0,22 MPa
3. Avtomatik chastotani kuzatish qurilma har doim eng yaxshi chastotada ishlashini ta'minlaydi

4. Woodpecker va EMS scaler bilan mos keladi

5. Haqiqiy vaqtda teskari aloqa


Mahsulot tavsifi:

Mahsulot nomi

N2000/N2000L stomatologik ultrasonik skaler


28KHz ± 3KHz


Metall, plastmassa

Asosiy birlik kirish

24V 50Hz

Chiqish quvvati

3-20 Vt

Suv bosimi

0,01 MPa-0,5 MPa

Paket hajmi

182x172x68 mm


0,45 kg


Paket va etkazib berish

Sotish birliklari: bitta mahsulot

Bitta paket hajmi: 20x16x8 sm

Yagona yalpi og'irligi: 1.000 kg


Bizning xizmatlarimiz:

1. 12 soatlik elektron pochta xabarlariga javob.
2. 24 soatlik tezkor xizmat.
3. Boshidan oxirigacha xizmat ko'rsatish.
4. Sifat kafolatlangan.

Dental competitive price with LED and handpiece compatible Woodpecker Scaler dental N2 ultrasonic scaler

Dental competitive price with LED and handpiece compatible Woodpecker Scaler dental N2 ultrasonic scaler

Dental competitive price with LED and handpiece compatible Woodpecker Scaler dental N2 ultrasonic scaler

Dental competitive price with LED and handpiece compatible Woodpecker Scaler dental N2 ultrasonic scaler

Dental competitive price with LED and handpiece compatible Woodpecker Scaler dental N2 ultrasonic scaler

Dental competitive price with LED and handpiece compatible Woodpecker Scaler dental N2 ultrasonic scaler

Dental competitive price with LED and handpiece compatible Woodpecker Scaler dental N2 ultrasonic scaler

Dental competitive price with LED and handpiece compatible Woodpecker Scaler dental N2 ultrasonic scaler

Dental competitive price with LED and handpiece compatible Woodpecker Scaler dental N2 ultrasonic scaler

Dental competitive price with LED and handpiece compatible Woodpecker Scaler dental N2 ultrasonic scaler

Kompaniya haqida ma'lumot:

Dental competitive price with LED and handpiece compatible Woodpecker Scaler dental N2 ultrasonic scaler


  • Oldingi:
  • Keyingi:

  • Xabaringizni bu erga yozing va bizga yuboring