

2 × 2,5 ml stomatologik Gluma etch 35 tish tishlash 35% gel 35% jelli ortodontik tibbiy dental Heraeus etch

qisqa Tasvir:

Mahsulot detallari

Mahsulot teglari

Tez tafsilotlar
Kelib chiqqan joyi:
Germaniya, Germaniya
Model raqami:
tish GLUMA etch 35 gel
Quvvat manbai:
Qo'l bilan
1 yil
Sotishdan keyingi xizmat:
Onlayn texnik yordam
Saqlash muddati:
1 yil
Sifat sertifikati:
Asboblar tasnifi:
III sinf, III sinf
Xavfsizlik standarti:
EN 149 -2001+A1-2009
Brendning nomi:
Heraeus Kulzer Gluma
Mahsulot nomi:
tish Heraeus Gluma etch 35% gel
yordamchi materiallarni to'ldirish
Stomatologik kompozitsion material
2 × 2,5 ml Etch 35 Gel/quti
Kasalxonalar, klinikalar, stomatologlar

2 × 2,5 ml stomatologik Gluma etch 35 tish tishlash 35% gel 35% jelli ortodontik tibbiy dental Heraeus etch



2 × 2,5 ml o'lchamdagi 35 o'lchamli jel/quti 


Mahsulot tavsifi:


tish Heraeus Gluma etch 35% gel

Kelib chiqishi joyi


Asboblar tasnifi

II sinfI


stomatologik kompozitsion materiallar


2X2,5 ml


Paket va etkazib berish

Sotish birliklari: Karton quti

Paket: Etch 35% gel shpritslari (2,5 ml) x 2


Bizning xizmatlarimiz:

1. 12 soatlik elektron pochta xabarlariga javob.
2. 24 soatlik tezkor xizmat.
3. Boshidan oxirigacha xizmat ko'rsatish.
4. Sifat kafolatlangan.

 2x2.5ml dental Gluma etch 35 dental etching 35% gel orthodontic medical dental Heraeus etch with 35 gel

2x2.5ml dental Gluma etch 35 dental etching 35% gel orthodontic medical dental Heraeus etch with 35 gel

2x2.5ml dental Gluma etch 35 dental etching 35% gel orthodontic medical dental Heraeus etch with 35 gel

2x2.5ml dental Gluma etch 35 dental etching 35% gel orthodontic medical dental Heraeus etch with 35 gel

2x2.5ml dental Gluma etch 35 dental etching 35% gel orthodontic medical dental Heraeus etch with 35 gel

2x2.5ml dental Gluma etch 35 dental etching 35% gel orthodontic medical dental Heraeus etch with 35 gel

2x2.5ml dental Gluma etch 35 dental etching 35% gel orthodontic medical dental Heraeus etch with 35 gel

2x2.5ml dental Gluma etch 35 dental etching 35% gel orthodontic medical dental Heraeus etch with 35 gel

2x2.5ml dental Gluma etch 35 dental etching 35% gel orthodontic medical dental Heraeus etch with 35 gel

2x2.5ml dental Gluma etch 35 dental etching 35% gel orthodontic medical dental Heraeus etch with 35 gel

2x2.5ml dental Gluma etch 35 dental etching 35% gel orthodontic medical dental Heraeus etch with 35 gel

2x2.5ml dental Gluma etch 35 dental etching 35% gel orthodontic medical dental Heraeus etch with 35 gel

2x2.5ml dental Gluma etch 35 dental etching 35% gel orthodontic medical dental Heraeus etch with 35 gel

2x2.5ml dental Gluma etch 35 dental etching 35% gel orthodontic medical dental Heraeus etch with 35 gel

2x2.5ml dental Gluma etch 35 dental etching 35% gel orthodontic medical dental Heraeus etch with 35 gel

Kompaniya haqida ma'lumot:

2x2.5ml dental Gluma etch 35 dental etching 35% gel orthodontic medical dental Heraeus etch with 35 gel


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